Unione Pescatori del Trentino

The Fisher Charter

The article 8 of the Provincial Law. n.60/78 provides for the preparation of the Fishing Charter "in order to ensure the consistency of the fish stocks and the potential productivity of the waters, and to establish the criteria to be met by the resulting rational cultivation of these waters". It also specifies that it "has binding nature also regarding the choice of species to be admitted in the waters for the purpose of the improvement plan and the location of planned activities for the increase of fishing from the property department and the dealers of fishing rights ". The same article 6 of the Provincial Law n.60/78 also states that "the cultivation of the waters must be based, as a rule, on increasing productivity of the natural fishing water on the biological balance and by maintaining the original genetic lines of the fishing species."

The new Fishing Charter of the Autonomous Province of Trento was drafted in September, 2002.


From the reasons underlying the fishing planning derive the basics of the Fishing Charter, whose main purpose is to ensure, through the application of the scientific method, a perceptive management of the fishing resources in a natural, environmental, economic and social perspective. The methodical analysis of fishing populations and the current conditions of aquatic environments can explain – through appropriate methods of synthesis – the relations between the state of the environment and the fishing communities, identifying the causes for any deviation of the latter compared to an optimal natural situation. Thanks to this essential knowledge background, the Fishing Charter defines means, techniques and appropriate actions for the conservation or restoration of fish populations, under the qualitative and quantitative aspect. In the form of suggestion of an intervention or an actual binding requirement, therefore, the Fishing Charter gets to define all the steps needed to improve the management of all surface waters in terms of fishing. All these aspects should be easily and readily available to those involved in fisheries management, from the provincial administrative structures to the associations dealerships of fishing rights, from the environmental and protectionists groups to all the citizens interested.


It is possible to define "naturalistic aquaculture" the most correct and beneficial activity for the management of fish, considered on the medium and long term and on an extensive geographical scale. It is, in short, a series of coordinated actions that aim to preserve, promote or restore natural processes that involve the fish fauna, supporting the establishment of optimal conditions for the growth and reproduction of spontaneous fish fauna. The basic principle of this approach lies on the fact – demonstrated through fishing researches and many ichthyogenic experiences – that the optimal fish populations, under a certain natural, ecological, socio-economic point of view, are those who live spontaneously and breed in inland waters. As a matter of facts, it is the native species – those that are spontaneously present in a defined geographical area or in an ecosystem – the most suitable to live in those waters, that are able to take advantage of the most of the resources available throughout the long and continuous process of biological adaptation.